Petrus Hispanus O.P. Auctor Summularum (III) ¿”Petrus Alfonsi” o “Petrus Ferrandi”?

  • Ángel D’ Ors Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Pedro hispano, mediaeval philosophy


This article aims to be a complement and continuation of my earlier work on the figure of Petrus Hispanus O. P., Auctor Summularum. First I bring to light some new documents in connection with the issues already examined in my 1997 and 2001 articles. Next, I deal with the questions postponed in my 2001 article: the problems concerning the figure of “Petrus Ferrandi” and his possible connection with the “auctor Summularum”, as well as Tugwell’s arguments against the hypothesis of the possible identity of the two figures, now examined from the perspective of the author of the Legenda prima. After analysing evidences from very diverse origin, I affirm, on the one hand, that the hypothesis of the identity of “Petrus Ferrandi” and “Petrus Hispanus” might be correct and, on the other hand, that there are no conclusive arguments that force us to affirm with certainty that the author of the Legenda prima is Pedro Ferrando. Although the analyses do not allow yet to determine whether the “auctor Summularum” is “Petrus Alfonsi” or “Petrus Ferrandi”, the evidence gathered and the connections set up will no doubt contribute to guide future research around the figure of “Petrus Hispanus”.


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How to Cite
D’ Ors Á. (2015). Petrus Hispanus O.P. Auctor Summularum (III) ¿”Petrus Alfonsi” o “Petrus Ferrandi”?. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 33, 35-89.