La abyección del deseo en la poesía de Ana María Martínez Sagi

  • Marta Gómez Garrido Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: abjection, Ana María Martínez Sagi, poetry, desire.


In this article the Theory of Abjection presented by Julia Kristeva in her book 'Powers of Horror' (1988) is applied to the poetic works of Ana María Martinez Sagi (1907-2000), particularly to her collection of poems 'Inquietud' (1932). The arrival of the avant-garde and psychoanalysis to Spain in the first third of the 20th century allows analysing the presence of a specific aspect of the authorial identity which is common in the aesthetic modernity. We go through the psychoanalitical theories by Sigmund Freud, Ernst Kris and Julia Kristeva in order to understand the connection between art and psychoanalysis, taking this discipline as an effective tool for textual analysis because of its study of the humang being. The analysis of this presence in her poetry is interesting for two reasons above all: because we understand better the poet's works, yet poorly studied despite her interesting résumé, and because we can analyse the influence of the restraint in her artistic work, and thus, better understand her writing mechanism


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How to Cite
Gómez Garrido M. (2014). La abyección del deseo en la poesía de Ana María Martínez Sagi. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 32(Especial), 247-258.