Una visión interdisciplinar del Madrid del Siglo de Oro: ideología, sociedad y fiesta cortesana a través de las relaciones de suceso

  • María Moya García Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Narrative of events, 17th century, interdisciplinary, royal festival, triumphal entry, Mariana de Austria, Felipe IV.


The purpose of this paper is to study one narrative of events (relación de sucesos) which was writting because of Mariana de Austria’s triumphal entry in Madrid after her marriage to Felipe IV. We try to reconstruct the society and the enviroment in Madrid’s Court in a festive day with an interdisciplinary point of view. We follow, in short, a triple objective: to present the political and royal ups and downs surrounding the link and the entry; to study the court party as an interdisciplinary universe in which different aspects related to architecture, painting, sculpture, music, dance, poetry, theatre, etc. are integrated, disciplines that coexist during the celebration; to show how, throw this kind of texts, it is possible to perform a sociologic study of the 17th century's society


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How to Cite
Moya García M. (2014). Una visión interdisciplinar del Madrid del Siglo de Oro: ideología, sociedad y fiesta cortesana a través de las relaciones de suceso. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 32(Especial), 217-228. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_DICE.2014.v32.44636