«Dios hizo el mundo en una semana / pero yo lo destruyo en un momento»: La desacralización del texto bíblico en la poesía de Nicanor Parra

  • Lorena Ferrer Rey Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Nicanor Parra, Bible, religion, postmodern condition, antipoetry


This article intends to present the existing analogies between Nicanor Parra's poetry and the Bible, which is one of its most fruitful sources. The dialogue that his verses establish with the holy book of Judeo-Christianity, however, is filled with subversion: the attention that Parra has granted to the biblical text throughout his work takes the shape of a demystification, aiming to wipe out a “grand narrative” of humanity and to erase the credibility that it had enjoyed over centuries. His antipoetry attacks every political or ideological imposition, what results in the iconoclastic use of the biblical intertext, which, either in satiric-humoristic terms or from a more pessimistic point of view, instigates his readers to become aware


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How to Cite
Ferrer Rey L. (2014). «Dios hizo el mundo en una semana / pero yo lo destruyo en un momento»: La desacralización del texto bíblico en la poesía de Nicanor Parra. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 32(Especial), 139-155. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_DICE.2014.v32.44631