Notas sobre la fortuna de Armando Palacio Valdés en la prensa de la Edad de Plata

  • Carmen Servén Díez Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Keywords: Edad de Plata, Newspapers, Diversification of the public, Women Readers


In the first third of the twentieth century, Don Armando Palacio Valdés is an extremely well-known author. But his very controversial public figure. The paradox is that this novelist, who was considered a dangerous radical and solvent for the Catholic press in the last quarter of the nineteenth century (Serven), is now recommended (Fernández Cifuentes) in conservative circles but detested by the young intellectuals. Deserves a chapter of his fortune to the readers, who will spend it as repeated tributes and champion of women. The work seeks to establish the presence of Don Armando in media of diverse character, which shows the existence in the Edad de Plata of diverse audiences that handles various literary reviews and even found. A current review of cultural projection of the novelist Spaniard should consider their unequal fortune in the press of the Silver Age


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How to Cite
Servén Díez C. (2012). Notas sobre la fortuna de Armando Palacio Valdés en la prensa de la Edad de Plata. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 30, 269-283.