Un teatro para la nueva población urbana: los resortes de la cultura masiva en "La viuda valenciana" de Lope de Vega

  • Jaume Peris Blanes Departamento Filología Española, Universitat de València
Keywords: The Valencian Widow, Loped de Vega, mass culture, gender, urban population.


The article analyzes The valencian widow (Lope de Vega) in the context of changing conceptions of spectacle at the end of XVIth century and the beginning of XVIIth. The author focus on the relationship between main features of new urban population and the emergency of mass culture dynamics. Theatre played a key role in that emergent mass culture, giving sense and including in coherent plots some preoccupations and fears of that urban population, such as social mobility, ambiguity of gender roles or subjective disorientation.


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How to Cite
Peris Blanes J. (2012). Un teatro para la nueva población urbana: los resortes de la cultura masiva en "La viuda valenciana" de Lope de Vega. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 30, 201-222. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_DICE.2012.v30.40258