"Aún es de día", de Miguel Delibes: La instalación metafísica como mecanismo de Denuncia social en la ficción

  • Enrique Ferrari Nieto Universidad de Valladolid
Keywords: Julián Marías, Spanish postwar period, non-solidarity, circumstance.


With Marías’ conceptual diagram about metaphysical installation, it is possible another interpretation of the Sebastián Ferrón’s life, as an unequal fight with his circumstance. It tourns the novel into a social denunciation of Spanish postwar society. Some interpretations for Aún es de día in the Delibes’ narrative consider this novel only as a tentative. However, this study sets it out a new place as a transition novel for its themes. Although its formal faults, Delibes outlines the majority of his literary preoccupations, next to Julián Marías’ metaphisycal anthropology (from Ortega y Gasset’s vital reason), not to French Christian existentialism.


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How to Cite
Ferrari Nieto E. (2012). "Aún es de día", de Miguel Delibes: La instalación metafísica como mecanismo de Denuncia social en la ficción. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 30, 107-123. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_DICE.2012.v30.40253