La inteligencia artificial, los consumidores y el futuro del automóvil: vehículos autónomos

  • Miguel Ángel Tenas Alós Universidad San Jorge
Keywords: artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicle, consumer, regulations


The automotive industry is undergoing moments of great change, both due to the arrival of new propulsion systems, such as electric vehicles, and the emergence of new companies, especially of Chinese origin. This perfect storm is complemented by the development of autonomous driving technology, driven by connectivity and the use of artificial intelligence. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze, from a legal perspective, the implications of autonomous driving and its feasibility for implementation in the present and the future, as well as legislation on artificial intelligence and the challenges for consumers -- all of us, essentially -- who will need to adjust to a completely different type of car than currently exists. 

The consequences will have profound legal implications, as well as economic or sociological ones, as there are rural or less populated areas that currently have little to no coverage of mobile phone networks, which hinders the implementation of technologies such as GPS, posing greater complexity for autonomous driving. These issues could be addressed through the adoption of artificial intelligence systems, the regulation of which is still under discussion in the European Union, but for which the key outlines should already be outlined.

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How to Cite
Tenas Alós M. Á. (2024). La inteligencia artificial, los consumidores y el futuro del automóvil: vehículos autónomos. Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación, 37, 69-80.