The Spanish institutional recognition of video games as a cultural industry: proposals to create an industry

  • Enrique Morales Corral UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID
Keywords: Cultural industry, videogame, interactive entertainment, creative industry


This article aims to show how video games are already a full-fledged cultural industry in Spain and to what extent this fact will affect its economic, labour and social development in the coming years as an industry. It explains what this recognition entails and the trends that may develop around this cultural industry. It also details the different grants and subsidies that the General Secretariat of Culture of Spain currently offers and to which those interested can apply. It also shows, based on a study among video game users themselves, what they believe this cultural industry will be like in 2020 and that it can serve as an element of self-fulfilling prophecy in the face of the new challenges that this young industry still has ahead of it. Finally, twelve actions are listed that from the relevant administrations, universities, training centres, associated institutes... should be carried out to boost this economic sector ...



How to Cite
Morales Corral E. (2024). The Spanish institutional recognition of video games as a cultural industry: proposals to create an industry. Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación y de Nuevas Tecnologías, 11.