Privacy and one,s own image: the echoes of American common law and the evolving Spanish constitutional jurisprudence

  • María-Estrella Gutiérrez-David Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)
Keywords: Freedom os speech, Privacy, Ones own image(right to publicity), Mass media, Doctrine of preferred position, Balancing tests, Public interest(newsworthiness)


If we examine the Spanish constitutional jurisprudence about the disputed relationships between freedom of speech and personality rights, such as privacy and one´s own image (right to publicity), it can be traced the deep influence of North American constitutionalism. Its echo is undeniable, particularly not only concerning the dispute resolution techniques applied, namely, the balancing test and the preferred position doctrine, but also the comprehensive understanding of privacy and one´s own image as personality rights against the power of media. Considering this unquestionable influence of American common law, this paper examines how Spanish constitutional jurisprudence has evolved in determining the extent, nature and scope of privacy and one´s own image against current practices of media. In addition, it will be analysed how the recent jurisprudence of the Spanish Supreme Court is putting at risk the deserved and suitable protection of these personality rights and how such new trend thereof, actually, reflects certain journalistic practices absolutely discredited by our Constitutional Court and by the European Court of Human Rights.



How to Cite
Gutiérrez-David M.-E. . (2024). Privacy and one,s own image: the echoes of American common law and the evolving Spanish constitutional jurisprudence. Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación y de Nuevas Tecnologías, 18, 85-108.
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