Radio stations, a wide range of transparency and opacity.

  • Víctor Escandón Prada Doctor en Derecho de la Información por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Radio stations, transparency and opacity, FORMAL TRANSPARENCY, SUBSTANTIVE TRANSPARENCY


The radio stations analysed in this paper are made up of six private entities (Cadena Ser, Cope, Onda Cero, Intereconomía, EsRadio and Punto Radio) and one public entity (Radio Nacional de España). It should be borne in mind that of the seven stations studied, three of them (Cadena Ser, Onda Cero and Punto Radio) belong to a business group listed on the stock exchange². Therefore, they have a series of reporting obligations that the rest of the agents analysed do not have. To contrast the information obtained by the TRA group. BU.COM. From the analysis of the corporate websites of the radio agents, a survey was provided to all operators so that they could assess their degree of transparency, both formal and substantive. In this sense, only three of the radio stations (Onda Cero, Cadena Ser and Radio Nacional) have decided to participate with their have decided to participate with their answers in the scientific investigation. Therefore, the answers should also be considered as an affirmation of transparency and allows these agents to improve the perception that can be had of them through the analysis of their corporate website.



How to Cite
Escandón Prada V. . (2024). Radio stations, a wide range of transparency and opacity . Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación y de Nuevas Tecnologías, 9, 1-9.