let us auction them... already. about the de lege lata possibility of granting the audiovisual licenses to the best bi

  • Manuel Peláez Muras Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (España)
Keywords: Audiovisual Communication Act, Licenses., License award procedures, Licenses modification, Freedom of communication.


The provision of audiovisual services via terrestrial airwaves requires holding a license which is granted to the best offer in a public tender. The determination of which is the best offer depends on the criteria set out discretionarily for each tender, under the framework set by the

Audiovisual Communication Act. This scheme gives rise to major disadvantages and dysfunctions. Domenech Pascual has suggested to avoid those by substituting tenders with auctions, so that the licenses are awarded to the highest bidder. In this paper we aim to investigate to what extent the current legal system would allow to undertake such a proposal or a similar one in which the price offered by tenderers is decisive. In addition, taking into account the Spanish audiovisual industry crisis, there must be considered the legal feasibility of ending the current licenses ahead of schedule so that the auctions (or some other institution of the sort) may be carried out as soon as possible.

Author Biography

Manuel Peláez Muras, Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (España)






How to Cite
Peláez Muras M. . (2023). let us auction them... already. about the de lege lata possibility of granting the audiovisual licenses to the best bi. Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación y de Nuevas Tecnologías, 22. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/DERE/article/view/91616