The social media, the mass media, violence and democracy. The arena for institucional weakening and citizens lack of confidence

  • Ester Kaufman Red Académica de Gobierno Abierto (IDES)
Keywords: Defamatory political campaigns, Networks and the media, Global Internet corporations, Misuse of data, Political and institutional distrust, Negative impacts on democracy, Impact on subjectivity


The defamatory political campaigns detected in the Trump election process, with the intervention of global Internet corporations, and companies such as Cambridge Analytica, generated an unprecedented debate about the negative impact of social networks, embedded in global corporations who handle our data darkly. The media scandal policies provide the rest. It aims to increase political discredit and distrust of institutions so that democracies are turning towards totalitarian forms, functional to corporate interests, while citizens wander between disinterest, misinformation, polarization over banal issues or, what is more serious, disconnected from the others, in scenarios of self-exploitation and narcissism.



How to Cite
Kaufman E. . (2024). The social media, the mass media, violence and democracy. The arena for institucional weakening and citizens lack of confidence. Derecom. Derecho de la Comunicación y de Nuevas Tecnologías, 25, 59-85.
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