Production and radio memory of São Paulo as intangible cultural heritage

  • Antonio Adami Universidade Paulista de São Paulo
Keywords: radio, memory, culture, presetvation, intangible heritage


The research where this article is inserted analyzes the production of São Paulo radio as an intangible cultural heritage, considering the most important broadcasters and programs, speakers, directors, radio actors, radiohumorists, orchestras etc., a production that was carried out in the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s and 1950s in the main broadcasters in the proposed clipping. In fact, we present a radio archeology of radio stations in the interior, coast and capital of São Paulo, showing the development of radio broadcasting in the State and the richness that this production represents in the construction of São Paulo and Brazilian memory and culture. In this article we focus on SQIG - Sociedade Rádio Educadora Paulista, showing its importance as the first broadcaster in São Paulo and, undoubtedly, given its pioneering spirit, the largest school in the history of radio in São Paulo. Our method presupposes the analysis of production in this time frame, from access to documents, books and articles on the subject, interviews with radio professionals and researchers and also readings aiming at a greater conceptual understanding about the areas of intangible heritage, preservation and culture.


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How to Cite
Adami A. (2020). Production and radio memory of São Paulo as intangible cultural heritage. Documentación de las Ciencias de la Información, 43, 57-62.