Evolución histórica de las publicaciones oficiales en España

  • Gloria Carrizo Sainero Universidad Carlos III
Keywords: Spain, history, official publication, legislation, case law, gazette, Ministry, public administration, non-governmental bodies.


From the remotest antiquity, mankind has been organized in societies. Rules governing the functioning of the group and the behaviour of its members were needed. As society evolves, political power emerges, imposing different types of rules: administrative o governmental rules; civil law or penal codes, stablishing sanctions for punishable actions. This article shows the historical evolution of official publications from its origin to Modern State building. This review includes the foundation of Ministries and those administrative bodies that conforms the current Spanish political and administrative organization, as they are the main producers and distributors of legislative, judicial, educational and scientific information.


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How to Cite
Carrizo Sainero G. (2011). Evolución histórica de las publicaciones oficiales en España. Documentación de las Ciencias de la Información, 34, 65-85. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_DCIN.2011.v34.36446