The ability of analysis in the training of social workers: what is it? How is the training? And how it is evaluated? Designing a rubric for assessment of competencies of analysis in the Bachelor of Social Work

  • Maria Núria Prat Bau Universidad de Barcelona
  • Belén Parra Ramajo Universidad de Barcelona
  • Antonio López Rodríguez Universidad de Barcelona
Keywords: Social Work, pedagogical innovation, assessment, analytic competence, rubric.


In this article we present assessment tool (rubric) for the acquisition of specific competence on analytical thinking in social work training. This tool can be applied to the topics of various areas and courses of the Degree of Social Work. We describe the methodological process and collaborative approach to the construction of the instrument, which has been driven by the Innovative Teaching Group Trans @ net: transdisciplinarity and learning in social work from the University of Barcelona. This project has enabled progress to teachers in their conceptualization and reduces the disparity of evaluation criteria used initially. Moreover, this has allowed offering a common visibility to students sharing the same instrument between different subjects and courses coeval. It has also encouraged the mainstreaming when applied to materials of different areas of knowledge and to define interim applicability conditions as: linking learning activities accompanying the acquisition, application exercises focused specifically or prominently in the development of this competition. It’s necessary to work previously with students understanding of instrument (the relations among rubric items) and the context of each subject and proposed exercise.


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Author Biographies

Maria Núria Prat Bau, Universidad de Barcelona

Diplomada en Trabajo Social (UB, 1992) ,Licenciada en Pedagogia (UAB, 1999).

Profesora Departamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales . Actualmente desarrolla su tesis doctoral en trabajo social comunitario y genero.


Sus lineas deinvestigacion son principalmente, el trabajo social comunitario, la  formación de los trabajadores sociales y la innovación docente.

Es co-cordinadora del grupo de Innovación Trans@net: Transdisciplinariedad y aprendizaje en trabajo social

Belén Parra Ramajo, Universidad de Barcelona

Diplomada en Trabajo Social ,Licenciada en Antropología(UAB, 1999).

Profesora Departamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales . Actualmente desarrolla su tesis doctoral en trabajo social de grupos.

Miembro del Grupo de Investigación GRITS, lleva a cabo investigacones en el ámbito de la família y la ética en trabajo social
Antonio López Rodríguez, Universidad de Barcelona
Diplomado en Trabajo Social, Licenciado en Sociología.Profesor del Departamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales . Actualmente  esté desarrollando su tesis doctoral en el ámbito de las simulaciones  de escenarios sociales.



How to Cite
Prat Bau M. N., Ramajo B. P. y Rodríguez A. L. (2014). The ability of analysis in the training of social workers: what is it? How is the training? And how it is evaluated? Designing a rubric for assessment of competencies of analysis in the Bachelor of Social Work. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 27(2), 365-374.