El deber de consejo y su reflejo institucional en los dominios indianos (siglos XVI-XVIII)

  • Mariana Moranchel Pocaterra
Keywords: Council of Indias, Council duty, Consultative regime, Duty to advise


From the first times of the discovery and conquer of the Western Indias, the kings worried to have to their side people and institutions that fulfilled the duty to advise them, among them the own Council of Castile. But it was in the reign of Carlos V when this came to reality with the creation of a specific organism for it, the Royal and Supreme Council of Indias. At the light of the political thought of the time, we will analyze through the present study to what extent this duty to advice the monarch with respect to Indias’ subjects was fulfilled.


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How to Cite
Moranchel Pocaterra M. (2011). El deber de consejo y su reflejo institucional en los dominios indianos (siglos XVI-XVIII). Cuadernos de Historia del Derecho, 403-420. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CUHD/article/view/CUHD1010120403A