The Nineteenth-Century Legislative Concordancias: Instruments of Diffusion of the European Continental Law in America

  • Agustín Parisse Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Nineteenth-century codification, Argentine Republic, Vélez Sarsfield, Legislative Concordancias, Sources, State of the Louisiana.


Two works of nineteenth-century agreements are studied, as they offered to the coders legislative pieces of the civil law of Europe and America. Their structure, as well as their editors and the impact in the legal community of those works are studied in detail. Secondly it is analyzed how those works of concordances were applied, through the example offered by their reception by the Argentine Civil Code of 1871, written up by Dalmacio Vélez Sarsfield. It is demonstrated that the Argentine coder used those works and that he consulted also original nineteenth-century texts. As a corollary, it is demonstrated that in America the originating legislation of the European continental law was present.


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Author Biography

Agustín Parisse, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos Facultad de Derecho



How to Cite
Parisse A. (2012). The Nineteenth-Century Legislative Concordancias: Instruments of Diffusion of the European Continental Law in America. Cuadernos de Historia del Derecho, 17, 171-205.