Articles of association of the journal


Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales (ISSN 1131-8635, ISSN-e 1988-2572) is a six-monthly journal that publishes articles on matters related to work, employment and labour relations, adopting a multidisciplinary approach that includes sociology, law, anthropology, philosophy, economics and psychology. Its aim is to disseminate original studies that combine high quality academic content with a simple style and that deal with issues related to labour relations, understood in its broad sense, among which we can highlight the social transformations of work and employment, gender relations and social policies of all kinds.

1.-  Management bodies

The management bodies responsible for the scientific coordination and publication of the journal are the Editorial Board and the Advisory Board. All members of these boards undertake to respect the principles of the Code of Ethics established for scientific journals by the Complutense University of Madrid.

1.1.- Editorial Board: structure and composition

- The Editorial Board will be made up of the Director, the Secretary and the members. The position of Director must be filled by an active lecturer with a contractual relationship with the UCM. At least one third of its members must belong to institutions other than the Complutense University of Madrid. 

- It will have sixteen members, in addition to the Director, the Assistant Director, the Deputy Director and the Secretary. The members will proportionally reflect the full range of knowledge areas involved in the Journal.

- The Editorial Board will assist the management team in all its functions and, especially, in the handling of the papers (receipt, review and acceptance) and in the definition of the contents and style of the journal (writing of guidelines for the submission of originals, creation and orientation of sections, etc.).

- The members of the Editorial Board are selected by the Management of the School of Labour Relations. The Director of the School of Labour Relations will be an ex officio member of the Journal’s Editorial Committee.

- The Editorial Board will propose names to fill vacancies for members. They must be people of recognised national and international prestige. If there are more candidates than vacancies available, those with the most votes will be elected.

- The Editorial Board, from among its members and in a separate vote, will elect the positions of the management team, Director, Assistant Director and Deputy Director. The position of Secretary is directly appointed by whoever holds the position of Director of the Journal.

- The nominations for management positions must be submitted by the interested persons in the period of time between receiving the invitation to the meeting of the Editorial Board in which that election will take place and the day before the election. If there are no candidates, the Editorial Board will proceed to fill the vacancies through a draw.

- All members of the management team (Director, Assistant Director, Deputy Director and Secretary), will be elected for a period of four years, and may only renew their mandate for another four years.

1.2. Management team of the Journal (Director, Assistant Director and Deputy Director, Secretary)

The Journal’s management team consists of a Director, Assistant Director and Deputy Director, selected by the Editorial Board, and a person who performs the functions of Secretary, who is appointed directly by the Director.

1.2.1.- Duties of the Director

- The Director will be responsible for the coordination and representation of the journal and for relations with the Editorial Board, Advisory Board and Ediciones Complutense. Similarly, they will be responsible for relations with other institutions for any matters related to the journal.

- The Director will appoint the Secretary.

- The Director will convene the meetings of the Editorial Board.

- The Director will be obliged to inform the Board and Management of the School of Labour Relations about the operation of the journal, as well as its needs.

- The Director will be responsible for ensuring that the highest possible scientific quality of the Journal is maintained, and will promote work aimed at enhancing its excellence and increasing its impact, in which task they will receive support from the rest of the members of the management team and the Editorial Board.

- The Director will have a casting vote in the event of a tie in the deliberations of the Editorial Board.

1.2.2.- Duties of the Assistant Director

- The Assistant Director will be responsible for coordinating, with the Journal’s management, the efforts necessary for the tasks involved in representing it. In particular, they will be responsible for relations with other institutions for the dissemination and awareness of the journal.

- The Assistant Director will specifically ensure its recognition and inclusion in national and international databases and its evaluation to obtain quality seals.

The Assistant Director may collaborate with the Director and the Secretary in the full publishing process for the issues of the Journal.

-The Assistant Director will stand in for the Director in the event of their illness or justified absence and, where appropriate, will convene the meetings of the Editorial Board.

1.2.3.- Duties of the Deputy Director

- The Deputy Director forms part of the Journal’s management team and actively supports the work for its coordination and representation.

- The Deputy Secretary will work with the Director and Assistant Director in the dissemination of the journal, institutional relations, exchanges, indexing and any other tasks that result in an improvement in the quality and recognition of the journal.

- The Deputy Director will supervise, in collaboration with the Secretary, the full publishing process for the issues of the Journal.

1.2.4.- Duties of the Secretary

- The Secretary will be responsible for receiving the originals and managing them throughout the review and publication process.

- The Secretary will be responsible for communication with the authors, the members of the Editorial Board, the Advisory Board and Ediciones Complutense.

- The Secretary will confirm the receipt of all papers received with the authors.

- The Secretary will organise the process for checking the originals received by the Editorial Board so that a decision can be made on which papers to review and which to return, once compliance with the journal’s requirements has been verified.

- The Secretary will be responsible for sending the originals to the reviewers along with an instruction document and a review template. Once the decision on whether to publish the originals has been made, the Secretary will be responsible for sending notification of the decision to the authors, justifying the decision.

- Once the decision on whether to publish the originals has been made, the Secretary will be responsible for sending notification of the decision to the authors, justifying the decision.

- The Secretary will be responsible for monitoring the complete publishing process for the journal’s issues (preparation and delivery of originals, including the first pages and statistics, layout process, sending proofs to authors, reviewing the version prior to printing, notification to the authors of the publication).

- The Secretary will prepare the meetings with the Director and will draw up the minutes of the meetings of the Editorial Board. Similarly, they will be responsible for the safeguarding of the minutes and will certify the work carried out by the members, scientific advisers and reviewers. A list of these will be published in the corresponding issues of the journal.

1.3.- Duties of the Members of the Editorial Board

- The members of the Editorial Board will be obliged to attend any meetings convened. If members reside in other provinces or other countries, the Board may establish a procedure for their effective participation even if they are not present at the meetings.

- The Members, under the coordination of the Secretary, will take part in the initial reading of the originals to allow a decision to be made about which will be reviewed and which will be returned to the authors.

- The Members will help with the search for external reviewers for the papers and will not under any circumstances be reviewers.

- The Members will advise and collaborate with the journal’s management in any tasks deemed necessary for the smooth running of the journal, including ensuring compliance with punctuality and timeliness.

1.4.- Advisory Board

- The Advisory Board will be made up of professionals and researchers of recognised prestige and soundness, with no institutional ties to the journal. The function of this Board is to ensure the academic rigour of the journal, ensure the appropriateness of its publishing policy, promote interest in the journal and make it attractive to both authors and readers, and publicise it, as far as possible, in all forums. Similarly, it will collaborate in its evaluation and audit processes.

- The Advisory Board must have members who are professionals and researchers in foreign institutions.


- The members of the Advisory Council will be elected by the Editorial Board of the journal, after consulting the management of the School of Labour Relations.

- The members of the Advisory Board may participate in the processes for reviewing originals as external peers, taking into account that at least one of the reviews must always be issued by a reviewer who is not a member of the Advisory Board.

2.  Features and operation

2.1. Frequency

- Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales is a six-monthly journal which will regularly publish two issues each year. However, on an extraordinary basis, the journal may propose to Ediciones Complutense the publication of a special issue.

2.2. Structure 

- Each issue of the Journal contains a monographic section, another miscellaneous one and a last one for book reviews. Only exceptionally in some issues can the monographic section be replaced with a miscellaneous coverage of topics related to the matters dealt with by the publication.

2.3. Publication guidelines