The entrepreneurial device and the political production of new labor subjectivities: the influencer phenomenon

  • Efrén Borges Gómez Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: influencers, entrepreneurship, subjectivities, labor identities, digital platforms


The growing popularity and social centrality of the phenomenon of influencers, associated with the digitalization of the economy, can be understood as a novel expression of the diffusion of the entrepreneurial ethos, in a context of expansion of the neoliberal project and political deconstruction of work. This article addresses the traits that shape these new archetypes of the good worker through the analysis of the public projection of the Instagram profiles of influentrepreneurs of recognized popularity. We will pay attention to the type of narratives and staging that the subjects deploy in their strategies of public (re)presentation and promotion of their personal brand


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How to Cite
Borges Gómez E. (2024). The entrepreneurial device and the political production of new labor subjectivities: the influencer phenomenon. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 42(1), 109-124.