Digitization’s impact in job and qualifications: the case of logistics

  • Rafael Merino Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Francisco Pérez Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Keywords: Logistics, Digitization, Competences, Job, Qualifications


Digitization has produced a notable impact in the professional sphere, introducing changes in employment parallel to its development. This article focuses on analysing the influence that the aforementioned digitization has had on the logistics sector, taking into account the skills introduced and enhanced by this phenomenon, and specifically in national SMEs. For this, a bibliographic search was carried out, from which both academic literature and already published reports were collected, to later design a questionnaire disseminated to companies in the sector, various interviews with experts from different fields and a discussion group among them to extract contextualized information and contrast the revised one from the academics. Digitization has produced modifications in logistics, however, they haven’t been uniform changes and have affected multidimensionally. In addition, a review of the educational offers and curricula turns necessary to respond to digital development effectively.


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How to Cite
Merino R. y Pérez F. (2024). Digitization’s impact in job and qualifications: the case of logistics. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 42(1), 161-174. https://doi.org/10.5209/crla.85413