Social actors and labour relations in Spain

  • Carmina Pérez Pérez Departamento de Sociología y Trabajo Social Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: labour market, labour relations leaders, decision-making, coalitions, structural reforms


The issue of coalitions in decision-taking, at theoretical and methodological level, continues to be a pertinent subject of analysis in sociology, political science, urbanism and social politics, among other fields. Any area of the socio-economic spectrum results from decisions taken by the social agents involved. The economic crisis that Spain is suffering (2007-2012) demands structural socio-economic reforms. The seriousness of the crisis is leading to decisions being taken that are affecting and are going to affect the modes of regulation, legal, social, political and economic. In the decisions made intervene as well the formal social actors –Government, Managers and Trade unions– who in fact forming coalitions in the decisionmaking process, as a non formal economic actor, the business elite.


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How to Cite
Pérez Pérez C. (2015). Social actors and labour relations in Spain. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 33(2), 423-451.