La presencia de México en la revista "Ilustración Musical Hispano-Americana" a través de la corresponsalía de Gustavo E. Campa

  • Rogelio Álvarez Meneses Universidad de Colima, México Universidad de Oviedo, España
Keywords: Gustavo E. Campa, Felipe Pedrell, Mexico, music criticism, lyric theatre, reception processes, historiography, music education, concert societies.


The Mexican composer, teacher and critic Gustavo E. Campa (1863-1934) was one of the driving forces behind the modernisation of music in Mexico between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. His field of activity wasn’t only limited to his own country; he was also in contact with foreign composers, such as Felipe Pedrell Sabaté (1841-1922). The relationship between these two figures dates from 1888 (the year in which the journal Ilustración Musical Hispano-Americana commenced its publication) and resulted in a rich correspondence in which Campa provides a detailed description of musical life in Mexico.

The time frame of the letters is noteworthy for its interest and extension, as the last letter dates from 1910. This is the first study of this correspondence, thanks to which many notes and articles, not only by its regular correspondent, Gustavo E. Campa, but by many Mexican composers, writers and intellectuals, were published in the pages of the Ilustración.


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How to Cite
Álvarez Meneses R. (2018). La presencia de México en la revista "Ilustración Musical Hispano-Americana" a través de la corresponsalía de Gustavo E. Campa. Cuadernos de Música Iberoamericana, 22, 123-150.