La labor de folclorista de Manuel Manrique de Lara en el contexto de su vida y obra

  • Diana Diaz González Universidad de Oviedo
Keywords: Manuel Manrique de Lara, Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo, folklore, Regenerationism, Spanish opera.


In recent years, Manuel Manrique de Lara’s facet as a folklorist has been considered in various academic publications, which essentially discuss Lara’s contributions to this field from the point of view of his relationship with the Centro de Estudios Históricos, directed by Menéndez Pidal. This article opens up a new line of research, contextualising Lara’s life and work, in order to shed light on his work as a folklorist as part of a cultural project based on the idea of regeneration. New information and sources are provided to this end, while Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo’s relationship with the composer is examined in depth. Research into the critic, composer, soldier and folklorist is presented, thus leading to the reconsideration of the musicological and linguistic interests of Manrique de Lara himself.


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How to Cite
Diaz González D. (2018). La labor de folclorista de Manuel Manrique de Lara en el contexto de su vida y obra. Cuadernos de Música Iberoamericana, 23, 45-66.