De “cruzada” a “puente de silencios”: mito y olvido de la Guerra Civil española en la historiografía musical

  • Iván Iglesias Universidad de Valladolid
Keywords: Spanish Civil War, musical historiography, musicology, Franquismo, myth, oblivion.


If there is any event in the history of Spain that never disappeared from the nation’s collective memory, it is the so-called “civil war” from 1936-1939. In musical historiography, in the same way as other cultural events, the concept of the Spanish civil war has been subject to notable changes since the end of the conflict until the present time. This article examines, genealogically, the discourses that have been constructed about this conflict over the years, its function and its continuities and changes during the last seventy years, since its presentation as a “crusade” or “war of liberation” through to the persistent silence concerning the event that has survived by and large in the musicology since the return to democracy.


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How to Cite
Iglesias I. (2018). De “cruzada” a “puente de silencios”: mito y olvido de la Guerra Civil española en la historiografía musical. Cuadernos de Música Iberoamericana, 177-188.