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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submitting an article to this journal implies the acceptance of the Declaration of Originality and Authorship.
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  • The format of the file sent is OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF.

  • Web addresses have been included for references whenever possible.

  • DOI references have been included when available.

  • The text meets the reference and style requirements described in the Author Guidelines, which may be found in About the Journal.

  • If you are submitting something for a peer-reviewed section of the journal, please make sure you have followed the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review.

Author Guidelines

Objectives, public and goals of the Journal


CIC journal is aimed at research diffusion in Information and Communication areas, promoting expert and scholar intercourse in this areas and expanding knowledge of the research tradition in the field, with special interest in innovation and new ideas and in new theories in communication and information research.

Norms of evaluation, review and reception of manuscripts

1. The collaborations will take the form of articles (maximum 25 pages in double space in text processing World 12 points New Roman Times or similar convertible), text translations, book reviews (average of 2 pages in the same conditions) or notes (maximum length of 10 pages that include comments on presentations, seminars, events or research in the field of Communication and Information). Only in exceptional cases, according to criteria of quality and excellence of the collaboration, will these limits be exceeded. The articles will be original.

2. All texts will be submitted in electronic format using OJS an accessing through the journal's web. The notes will be at the bottom of the page and the Bibliography will be recorded at the end of the article. The bibliographic references in the text itself will take the form of the Harvard citation (author's last name and year of edition, two points and page) following APA6 system. Footnotes may use the traditional system (author, title, city of edition, editorial, year and corresponding page) and their different abbreviations (op.cit., Etc). Likewise, that international reference system will be used for the bibliography at the end of the article.

3. The articles will be accompanied by a Summary or Abstract which, as its name indicates, will be a very brief synthesis of the text - maximum 10 lines. In addition to the summary in Spanish, a summary in another language will be included whenever possible. A series of keywords or descriptors will also be included.

4. The Editorial Board will acknowledge receipt of the work, decide -heard the opinion of the international advisors and the CIC evaluators committee, considering all aspects, be content as formal - on the inclusion of the originals received. The adequacy of the topics covered in each issue, the formal structure and the research contribution will be preferred criteria. Authors will be notified of decisions made.

5. The Editorial Board will require two blind evaluation reports of each selected original to professionals of recognized value in the academic and scientific field of Information and Communication, external to the coordination and preparation of the corresponding issue of the journal.

6. The evaluators will take into account the following instructions:
- the interest, originality and importance of the proposed collaboration
- the formal presentation, the ownership of the language, the adequacy of the extension and format of the proposed collaboration
- the structure, methodology, bibliography and theoretical basis of the proposals will be carefully evaluated.
- a judgment will be issued that will advise, advise against or indicate modifications and improvements in the proposed collaboration.

7. Authors will receive each anonymous report obtained on the proposed collaboration

8. If a printed version is made, a copy of it will be provided to the authors. Transfer of rights: the acceptance of a work for publication implies that copyright, in any medium and for any medium, and if there is no other exceptional circumstance that prevents it, are transferred to the editor of the magazine.

9. To quote, the APA 6 appointment system will be followed.

Example article citation:

Aladro, E. (2019). "New Academic Information Systems: three alternatives that enrich the Impact Factor of scientific journals". Ibero-American Archeology, 43, pages 3-11.

Sample chapter reference:

Aladro, E. (2019). "Outside the museums. New forms of artistic communication and social discourse." in VVAA., Understand Artivism. Berlin: Peter Lang.


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