Analysis of the Film The Life of Others, from the Transactional Analysis and Bargaining Theory

  • Felicísimo Valbuena de la Fuente
Palabras clave: Work Parts, Structural Análisis, Transactional Analysis, Games Analysis, Script Analysis, Negotiation Situation, Information, Motivation, Instruction, Negotiation Environments, Results Classes, Negotiation Steps, Pressure Tactics


The author has chosen one of the films that have attracted more interest of the spectators in the last years and undertakes a line of interpretation that has applied to other films. From two powerful intellectual frameworks, he aspires to unravel the motives behind the communicative changes in interpersonal relationships.


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Cómo citar
Valbuena de la Fuente F. (2007). Analysis of the Film The Life of Others, from the Transactional Analysis and Bargaining Theory. CIC. Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación, 12, 119-136.