Landscapes and Figures of the Clergy of a Levitical City: the primada Toledo in the Early Modern Age

Keywords: Clergy, Secular Clergy, Regular Clergy, Archbishops, Cabildos, Priests, Parishes, Toledo, Historiography, Early Modern Age, Primacy


The clerical establishment in Toledo in the Early Modern Age is not only archetypal but also special, for its unusual strength and for the mark it has left on the city itself to nowadays. An omnicompression of the ecclesiastical phenomenon in the spiritual capital of Spain is analyzed and proposed, which includes both the study of a characteristic urban landscape, derived from real and mythologized descriptions; an analysis of the different clerical levels and their internal relationships; and a series of considerations on the different interactions of the clergy with the rest of the population and the civic powers.


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How to Cite
Aranda Pérez F. J. (2021). Landscapes and Figures of the Clergy of a Levitical City: the primada Toledo in the Early Modern Age. Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, 46(2), 567-611.