‘The balcony case’. Bullfight and courtly diplomacy in Philip IV’s last years of reign

  • Enrique J. Corredera Nilsson Universität Bern
Keywords: court diplomacy, court history, diplomatic practice, symbolic communication, face to face society, body history, seventeenth century, Hispanic monarchy, Philip IV, Denmark


In the last days of June 1662 several servants of Cornelius Lerche, Danish ambassador in Madrid, were expelled by force from the balcony they were preparing for their master at the Plaza Mayor in order to witness a bullfight in honour of St. John. This apparently irrelevant quarrel rapidly derived into a courtly – diplomatic problem, taking time from king Philip IV and his counsellors from June to mid-August 1662. This article analyses the incident as a way to provide some insights into the logic and interaction practices of mid-seventeenth century courtly diplomacy.


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How to Cite
Corredera Nilsson E. J. (2020). ‘The balcony case’. Bullfight and courtly diplomacy in Philip IV’s last years of reign. Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, 45(1), 177-198. https://doi.org/10.5209/chmo.70023