Suffling Taxes, unloading Wills. The Failure of 1509 and the Castile Tax System

  • David Alonso García Universidad Complutense. Departamento de Historia Moderna
Keywords: Keywords, Short-Term Debt, Default, Ferdinand the Catholic, Payments.


Current scholars are showing that fiscal-financial system of the Austrias was shaping since ca. 1490. Important tasks like “headings”, bonds (juros) or the participation of a financial groups in loans or tax farming took part of the common reality of Castilians from this moment. In this hand, there was also some events that can be taken as precedents of the famous “bankruptcies” and, in short, these episodes of financial crises show that there was a precarious balance around the credit systems that nourished the real estate before the Habsburg rule. This article focuses on a suspension of libranzas ordered by Fernando el Católico in February of 1509. Unpublished sources coming mainly from the Archive of Simancas has been used in order to elaborate the study.


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How to Cite
Alonso García D. (2017). Suffling Taxes, unloading Wills. The Failure of 1509 and the Castile Tax System. Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, 42(2), 441-468.