
The journal Comunicación y Género is a scientific periodical, open access and published every six months by the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid (ISSN-e 2605-1982). The aim of the journal Comunicación y Género is to publish original and unpublished articles on research in journalism, advertising, institutional and business communication, audiovisual media and documentation, as well as studies on new technologies and other areas of experimental and social sciences linked to communication from a gender and intersectionality perspective.


Management bodies

The management bodies responsible for the scientific coordination and editing of the journal will be the Editorial Board and the Advisory Board. All the members of these boards are committed to respecting the principles of the Code of Ethics established for scientific journals by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

1.1. Editorial Board: structure and composition

The Editorial Board will be composed of the Director, the Secretary and the members. The post of Director must be occupied by a professor in active service with a contractual relationship with the UCM. At least one third of its members must belong to institutions other than the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
The Editorial Board will assist the Director in all his/her functions and, especially, in the follow-up of the work (reception, evaluation, acceptance) and in the definition of the contents and style of the journal (drafting of rules for the presentation of originals, creation and orientation of the sections, etc.).
The members will be chosen by the Editorial Board of the Revista Comunicación y Género. The election of the Director will be carried out through a vote in an extraordinary Council of the Editorial Team. A simple majority will be necessary to be elected. The post of Secretary will be directly appointed by the Director.
All members will be elected for a period of 5 years and can only renew their position for a second period of 5 years.

1.1.1. Duties of the Director

The Director will be responsible for the coordination and representation of the magazine, relations with the Editorial Board, the Advisory Board and with Ediciones Complutense. He/she will also be in charge of relations with other institutions for any matter related to the journal.
The Director will choose the Secretary.
The Director will convene the meetings of the Editorial Board.
The Director will have the obligation to inform the Department Council / Institute Council / Faculty Board about the functioning of the journal, as well as its needs.
The Director will be responsible for ensuring that the highest scientific quality of the journal is maintained, as well as its recognition and inclusion in national and international databases and its evaluation for the achievement of quality seals, for which he or she will be assisted by the other members of the Editorial Board.
The Director will have a casting vote in the event of a tie in the deliberations of the Editorial Board.

1.1.2. Functions of the Secretary

The Secretary will be responsible for receiving the originals and managing them throughout the evaluation and publication process.
The Secretary will be responsible for communication with the authors, with the members of the Editorial Board, the Advisory Board and with Ediciones Complutense.
The Secretary will acknowledge the authors of all works received.
The Secretary will organize the process of reviewing the originals received by the Editorial Board so that it can be decided which works are submitted for evaluation and which are returned, once it has been verified that the journal's requirements have been met.
The Secretary will be responsible for sending the originals to the evaluators along with an instruction document and an evaluation template.
Once the decision to publish the originals has been taken, the Secretary will be responsible for communicating the reasoned decision to the authors.
The Secretary will be in charge of the follow-up of the complete editorial process of the issues of the journal (preparation and delivery of originals -including first pages and statistics-, layout process, sending proofs to the authors, revision of the pre-print version, communication to the authors of the publication).
The Secretary will prepare the meetings with the Director and take the minutes of the meetings of the Editorial Board. He/she will also be responsible for the custody of the minutes and will certify the work carried out by the members, the scientific advisors and the evaluators.
The Secretary will collaborate with the Director in the dissemination of the journal, in institutional relations, exchanges, indexing and any other task.


1.1.3. Functions of the Members of the Editorial Board

The Members of the Editorial Board will be obliged to attend (by telematic means in the case of not residing in Madrid) the meetings that are called.
The Members, under the coordination of the Secretary, will collaborate in the previous reading of the originals to make the decision of which ones are submitted to evaluation and which ones are returned to the authors.
The members will collaborate in the search of external evaluators for the works and they will not be evaluators in any case.
Members will advise and collaborate with the journal's management on any tasks considered necessary for the correct functioning of the journal, including ensuring compliance with timelines and frequency.

1.2. Advisory Board

The Advisory Board will be made up of professionals and researchers of recognized prestige and solvency, with no institutional link to the journal. It must serve, apart from giving rigour to the journal, to set the editorial policy, make the journal attractive to both authors and readers and disseminate it, as far as possible, in all forums. It will also collaborate in the evaluation and audit processes.
The Advisory Board must include among its members professionals and researchers from foreign institutions.
The process of election of its members will be as follows: any of the members of the Editorial Board may propose the inclusion of members to the Advisory Board, such inclusion will be decided by a vote (simple majority) in the Editorial Board.
The members of the Advisory Board may participate in the evaluation processes of originals as external peers, taking into account that at least one of the evaluations will always be issued by an evaluator outside the Advisory Board.

Characteristics and operation

2.1. Periodicity

The magazine will be published twice a year, in January and July, with the last issue of the year being a monographic one. In addition, the magazine may propose to Ediciones Complutense the publication of a special issue.

2.2. Structure

The magazine will consist of the following sections:
- Original articles. The articles, in Spanish or in English, must always be unpublished and original, without having been published or subjected to evaluation in another publication. They will have a length between 30,000 and 50,000 characters (spaces included).
- Reviews. Short texts (maximum 1200 words) containing the summary and the evaluative commentary on a book, an article, an audiovisual or other text/audiovisual published with relevance to the subject matter of the journal.
The document of publication rules will be attached as an annex and should contain information on: submission of manuscripts, editorial process (review, evaluation and publication of manuscripts), notes and bibliographic references, etc.