Women's fashion entrepreneurship in Nicaragua. Evaluation of Integrated Marketing Communications
- Ana González Ros Universidad de Alicante https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5280-492X
The objective is to evaluate the level of implementation of integrated marketing communications (CIM) in female enterprises in the fashion sector in Nicaragua, as a dynamic activity of the creative economy in the country, in order to identify their strengths and communication needs. For this, a methodology based on the application of a questionnaire adapted and supported by the scale of Lee and Park (2007) was used. The questionnaire was applied to the sample of members of the Nicaraguan Business Women Network (REN) who carry out their activity in companies related to the textile, fashion, footwear and accessories sector. The results show an incipient implementation of the CIM and demonstrate communication needs in key areas for the survival of these enterprises. Due to the lack of empirical studies in this area, it is intended to provide a first analysis that serves as a starting point for future work, and that contributes to a better understanding of a dynamic and complex sector and to the strengthening of the role of women in the enterprises of the country.
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