Shamans, predators and preys in italian contemporary poetry. Demystification and topos of the poet as hunter.

Demistificazione e topos del poeta-cacciatore

  • Samuele Fioravanti Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Keywords: Apollo 11, Italian contemporary poetry, hunter, shamanism


The topos of the poet as hunter is framed within Italian context after the moon-landing. The paper compares three interpretations –mythological, edenic and desecrating– of the poet-hunter following the Apollo 11 mission. Then it highlights the transformation of the topos from the seventies on. Finally it detects a mystifying line, that celebrates the poet as a shaman and as a Paleolithic hunter, alongside a demystifying line that insists on the prey/predator relationship as a metaphor and invites identification with the prey.


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How to Cite
Fioravanti S. (2022). Shamans, predators and preys in italian contemporary poetry. Demystification and topos of the poet as hunter.: Demistificazione e topos del poeta-cacciatore. Cuadernos de Filología Italiana, 29, 369-382.
Literary and Cultural Studies