"Muy señor nuestro Alessandro Varaldo". The recognition in the Spanish and Portuguese world in order to rediscover a famous but forgotten Italian writer

  • Alessandro Ferraro Università degli Studi di Genova1
Keywords: Varaldo, grotesque, copyright, Marinetti, detective story.


Who is Alessandro Varaldo (1876-1953)? This first analysis about what was said, adapted and translated of Varaldo’s work in the Iberian Peninsula and South America, maybe the only areas outside Italy where some traces of Italian author can be found, is a chance to go along his literary paths that overtook two temporal barriers (1900 and 1950), although it has not overtaken the oblivion’s threshold.


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How to Cite
Ferraro A. (2014). "Muy señor nuestro Alessandro Varaldo". The recognition in the Spanish and Portuguese world in order to rediscover a famous but forgotten Italian writer. Cuadernos de Filología Italiana, 20, 243-273. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_CFIT.2013.v20.44181
Literary and Cultural Studies