VISUAL METRIC: methodologica guide for the metric analysis of audiovisual materials

  • Luis Ernesto Paz Enrique Dirección de Recursos Humanos. Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas (Cuba)
  • Eduardo Alejandro Hernández Alfonso Departamento de Extensión Universitaria. Niversidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas (Cuba)
Keywords: bibliometrcis, audiovisual document, methodologica guide, descriptors, Centro Norte Televisión.


Bibliometrics is the metric specialty that applied methods and models to units of information. For the multiple use of bibliometrics can be applied to any source of information. The audiovisual materials for their characteristics have a language that can be described from bibliometric method. There are any metric methodologies for the metric analysis of audiovisual documents. It is presented as objectives of the study 1) to establish a methodological guide for the metric analysis of audiovisual materials and 2) make a bibliometric study of the spots environmental theme, produced by the community television Centro Norte Televisión from 2005 to 2016. To obtain results are employed methods in theoretical and empirical levels, especially bibliometric method. A methodological guide for the metric analysis of audiovisual materials is established and is established a study of a case in order to validate the proposed guidance.


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How to Cite
Paz Enrique L. E. y Hernández Alfonso E. A. (2017). VISUAL METRIC: methodologica guide for the metric analysis of audiovisual materials. Cuadernos de Documentación Multimedia, 28(1), 38-61.