Articles of association of the journal


The journal Arteterapia. Papeles de arteterapia y educación artística para la inclusión social (ISSN 1886-6190, ISSN-e 1988-8309) is an annual scientific publication published by the Department of Teaching Languages, Arts and Physical Education in the Faculty of Education in the Complutense University of Madrid. The journal is a pioneering publication, in both Spain and Latin America, on studies that address various aspects of art therapy (clinical, educational, social and cultural) and those areas that seek greater social inclusion through artistic media and arts education. Therefore, it is aimed at those people who, from the fields of art, psychology, medicine, social education or the plastic arts are interested in art education as a way to promote human development and inclusion. Its monographs cover emerging themes and new spaces where art is understood as a means for psychosocial development.

1.  Management bodies

The management bodies responsible for the scientific coordination and publication of the journal are the Editorial Board and the Advisory Board. All members of these boards undertake to respect the principles of the Code of Ethics established for scientific journals by the Complutense University of Madrid.

1.1. Editorial Board: structure and composition

- The Editorial Board will be made up of the Director, the Secretary and the members. The position of Director must be filled by an active lecturer with a contractual relationship with the UCM. At least one third of its members must belong to institutions other than the Complutense University of Madrid.

- There will be eight members. The following knowledge areas will be proportionally represented: art and artistic education, art therapy, psychology and psychosocial well-being.

- The Editorial Board will assist the Director in all their functions and, especially, in the handling of the papers (receipt, review and acceptance) and in the definition of the contents and style of the journal (writing of guidelines for the submission of originals, creation and orientation of sections, etc.).

- The members will be proposed by the journal’s management and will subsequently be approved by the Board of the Department of Teaching Languages, Arts and Physical Education. If there are more candidates than vacancies available, there will be three votes on the candidates proposed for each of the positions: one for the election of the Director, another for the election of the members from the institution and another for the election of the external members. The position of Secretary will be directly appointed by the Director.

- The nominations for Management and internal Members must be submitted by the interested persons in the period of time between receiving the invitation to the meeting of the Department of Teaching Languages, Arts and Physical Education in which that election will take place and the day before the election.

- If there are no internal candidates, the number of external members will be temporarily increased. In the event of a tie between candidates, the person who has never served on the Editorial Board or who has been off it for the longest period of time will have priority.

- Proposals to fill vacancies for external Members (a minimum of three people) will be presented by the Editorial Board. They must be people of recognised national and international prestige. If the number of candidates proposed is greater than the number of vacancies available, those with the highest number of votes will be chosen.

- All members will be elected for a period of four years and may only be re-elected to their position for a second period of four years. After two terms, there will be an exclusion period of four years before being able to stand for election again, unless during that time there are no other candidates to fill the vacant member positions.

- The members will be elected by the Board of the Department in which the current Director of the journal works. There will be three votes on the candidates proposed for each of the positions: one for the election of the Director, another for the election of the members from the institution and another for the election of the external members. The position of Secretary will be directly appointed by the Director.

- All members will be elected for a period of five years and may only be re-elected to their position for a second period of five years.

1.1.1. Duties of the Director

- The Director will be responsible for the coordination and representation of the journal and for relations with the Editorial Board, Advisory Board and Ediciones Complutense. Similarly, they will be responsible for relations with other institutions for any matters related to the journal.

- The Director will appoint the Secretary.

- The Director will convene the meetings of the Editorial Board.

- The Director will be obliged to inform the Departmental Board about the operation of the journal, as well as its needs.

- The Director will be responsible for ensuring that the highest possible scientific quality of the journal is maintained, as well as for its recognition and inclusion in national and international databases and its evaluation to obtain quality seals, in which area they will have the support of the other members of the Editorial Board.

- The Director will have a casting vote in the event of a tie in the deliberations of the Editorial Board.

1.1.2. Duties of the Secretary

- The Secretary will be responsible for receiving the originals and managing them throughout the review and publication process.

- The Secretary will be responsible for communication with the authors, the members of the Editorial Board, the Advisory Board and Ediciones Complutense.

- The Secretary will confirm the receipt of all papers received with the authors.

- The Secretary will organise the process for checking the originals received by the Editorial Board so that a decision can be made on which papers to review and which to return, once compliance with the journal’s requirements has been verified.

- The Secretary will be responsible for sending the originals to the reviewers along with an instruction document and review template.

- Once the decision on whether to publish the originals has been made, the Secretary will be responsible for sending notification of the decision to the authors, justifying the decision.

- The Secretary will be responsible for monitoring the complete publishing process for the journal’s issues (preparation and delivery of originals, including the first pages and statistics, layout process, sending proofs to authors, reviewing the version prior to printing, notification to the authors of the publication).

- The Secretary will prepare the meetings with the Director and draw up the minutes of the meetings of the Editorial Board. Similarly, they will be responsible for the safeguarding of the minutes and will certify the work carried out by the members, scientific advisers and reviewers.

- The Secretary will collaborate with the Director in the publicising of the journal, institutional relations, exchanges, indexing and any other tasks that result in an improvement in the quality and recognition of the journal.

1.1.3. Duties of the Members of the Editorial Board

- The members of the Editorial Board will be obliged to attend any meetings that are convened. [If members are from other provinces or other countries, the Board may establish a procedure for their effective participation even if they are not present at the meetings.]

- The Members, under the coordination of the Secretary, will take part in the initial reading of the originals to allow a decision to be made about which will be reviewed and which will be returned to the authors.

- The Members will help with the search for external reviewers for the papers and will not under any circumstances be reviewers.

- The Members will advise and collaborate with the journal’s management in any tasks deemed necessary for the smooth running of the journal, including ensuring compliance with punctuality and timeliness.

1.2. Advisory Board

- The Advisory Board will be made up of professionals and researchers of recognised prestige and soundness, with no institutional ties to the journal. In addition to bringing rigour to the journal, it will help establish the editorial policy, make the journal attractive to both authors and readers and publicise it, as far as possible, in all forums. Similarly, it will support the evaluation and audit processes.

- The Advisory Board must have members who are professionals and researchers in foreign institutions.

- The process for electing its members will be as follows: they will be proposed by the Editorial Board and approved by the Board of the Department of Teaching Languages, Arts and Physical Education. If there are more candidates than vacancies available, those with the most votes will be elected.

- The members of the Advisory Board may participate in the processes for reviewing originals as external peers, taking into account that at least one of the reviews must always be issued by a reviewer who is not a member of the Advisory Board.

2.  Features and operation

2.1. Frequency 

- The journal will be published once a year. Furthermore, on an extraordinary basis, the journal may propose to Ediciones Complutense the publication of a special issue.

2.2. Structure  

-  The journal will consist of the following sections:

  • - Monographic. This section contains original articles, referring to research on the theme proposed by the Editorial Board or in the corresponding Call for papers. Articles will be peer reviewed.
  • - Research on art therapy and artistic education for social inclusion. Previously unpublished research papers will be published in this section. Those that have been published, in full or in part, and those in the process of being published will not be accepted. Researchers can publish papers in which they have used any type of scientific methodology. This section also includes the systematic review papers on a topic of importance in art therapy or artistic education produced following a systematic and rigorous methodology. Articles will be peer reviewed.
  • - Experiences and clinical cases in art therapy and artistic education for social inclusion. This section can include different enriching experiences, as well as clinical case studies, which can be presented using different formats (visual narratives or texts of a more artistic or personal nature). Articles will be peer reviewed.
  • - This section includes reviews of the latest books published in the field of studies related to the journal’s subject matter (current year and the two previous ones) and published in different languages, both national and international. Reviews of important conferences within the field of art therapy and artistic education for social inclusion may also be included. The reviews will be assessed by the Editorial Board

2.3. Publication guidelines