Seed images, art therapy from a jungian perspective

Keywords: Jung, symbol, creative process, jungian art therapy., Jung, symbol, creative process, jungian art therapy


This article proposes the theoretical framework of Jungian psychology to illuminate the importance and depth of the symbolic material in the images that arise in the art therapy context. C. G. Jung and the development of his ideas have been, since the beginning of our profession, a constant inspiration for the practice of those of us who work as art therapists. It allows us to access a set of concepts and thoughts that facilitate the understanding of creative, intensely experiential and intuitive processes. Being able to name the most intangible aspects of artistic language is a great contribution that nourishes our perception and attitude in accompanying the people with whom we work.As contextualization, the historical influence of Jungian thought in art therapy, the view that analytical psychology has on the psyche and the definition given by Carl G. Jung to the concept of symbol and symbolic attitude is introduced. With the support of various contemporary Jungian authors  an attempt will be made to broaden these notions, paying attention to the emotional dimension of symbols and their important role in the development of the creative psyche. Finally, these ideas are grounded and linked to art therapy theory and practice, where symbolic elaboration is central to generating transformative processes through images, showing the example of work through the found object with a group of students in a university context.


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How to Cite
Gómez Uriarte A. (2024). Seed images, art therapy from a jungian perspective. Arteterapia. Papeles de arteterapia y educación artística para la inclusión social, 19, e90094.