Regression archetypes in art: its psychological processes and its original images of transformation

  • Mª Belén León del Río Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: symbol, archetype, consciousness, unconscious, intuition


Art provides us with an important contribution of regression symbols that arise from the unconscious, possessing a psychological power over the person, in addition to promoting the development of consciousness. These images, which coincide with symbols of mythology and the ethnic ideas of the peoples, would have various levels of reading, which would promote complex thought and the rupture of linear thought, awakening new hidden capacities.

Thanks to the fantasies generated by intuition during artistic creation, the buried contents of the unconscious come to the light of consciousness, this activity would have an undoubted therapeutic capacity since the psychic processes derived from this action of descent together with the production of images protective and precautionary plastics would eliminate our fears and harmonize our psychic unity.

In this article we will analyze what psychological mechanisms operate in the creative individual and how consciousness can be enhanced through this archetypal symbology of totality, opening ourselves to greater and greater possibilities of knowledge and realization of our inner and outer life, through the rupture of reason and a return to our essential being.


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How to Cite
León del Río M. B. (2022). Regression archetypes in art: its psychological processes and its original images of transformation. Arteterapia. Papeles de arteterapia y educación artística para la inclusión social, 17, 25-35.
Investigaciones sobre arteterapia y educación artística para la inclusión social