Visual Motifs in Disney Cinema. Rhetoric of the Image as an Educational Mediation for Inclusion

  • Ricard Huerta Universitat de València
Keywords: art education, cinema, visual culture, Disney, inclusion
Agencies: I D i “Sensibilización en igualdad de género y diversidad sexual mediante intervenciones artísticas en contextos universitarios” con financiación de la Generalitat Valenciana GVA a través de la Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital (Referencia: GV/2020/069)


Disney cinema has educated successive generations of audiences for decades, and this has reached the majority of the population. We propose here an approach to Disney cinema from the perspective of “visual motifs”, a methodology developed by Jordi Balló and Alain Bergala, who propose a scheme in which each “visual motif” is established as a model for the gaze. The visual motif is processed from the memory and recollection of each situation or graphic composition. We have collected a series of examples to analyze them from the perspective of visual culture, adhering to the concept of “visual motif”. We propose to bring these analytical and reflective dynamics to the field of initial teacher training, in order to develop an innovative discourse regarding knowledge of images and rhetorical resources by primary school teacher students. The objective is to promote a greater contact of the teaching group with film and audiovisual, creating theoretical and practical motivations from visual culture and artistic education. Chosen the Disney filmography, we propose a critical and unbiased reading, addressing hot topics such as inclusion and integration of diversity in the academic and school environment.


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Author Biography

Ricard Huerta, Universitat de València

Instituto de Creatividad e Innovaciones Educativas
Profesor del Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal

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How to Cite
Huerta R. (2022). Visual Motifs in Disney Cinema. Rhetoric of the Image as an Educational Mediation for Inclusion. Arteterapia. Papeles de arteterapia y educación artística para la inclusión social, 17, 49-60.
Investigaciones sobre arteterapia y educación artística para la inclusión social