“The Third Position”. An art-therapy technique used in supervision to help understand what is behind conditioned and reactive patterns

  • Ad van Vugt Fundación CoAction
Keywords: Supervision, Third Position, Self-reflection, Awareness, Conscious behaviour


Real consciousness needs time and adequate space to develop and help us to stop automatic unconscious reactions in order to create awareness and presence. Feelings, thoughts and behaviour usually come from conditioned assumptions. In supervision our goal is to look “behind” those automatic assumptions, using techniques that help to connect to the real need, in order to find positive alternatives to automatic reactive patterns. When 60 to 80% from our behaviour is ruled by non-verbal information talking it is not enough. Art-therapy techniques will mirror not only conscious but also unconscious information. Our expression opens doors to an understanding of what is the reality behind our usual assumptions. The “Third Position” is a technique that I developed in which we create a space to give form to the situation we want to work with.


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Author Biography

Ad van Vugt, Fundación CoAction

1 Ad is an Art-therapist (register LVCT). He started to work 1970 in a Psychiatric hospital and developedwith his patients, colleges and university colleges many programs for Art-therapy. Since 1989 he isregistered and works as a teacher (CPION) and supervisor (LVSB, HR11095) in the Netherlands. Heinvestigated and discovered five basic steps in a healthy growing process. He calls it the five basicdynamics in creative development. He teaches these dynamics in workshops and educational programssince 1991 in the Netherlands and Germany, and since 2002 in Spain, Mexico and England.

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How to Cite
van Vugt A. (2019). “The Third Position”. An art-therapy technique used in supervision to help understand what is behind conditioned and reactive patterns. Arteterapia. Papeles de arteterapia y educación artística para la inclusión social, 14, 149-162. https://doi.org/10.5209/arte.63208