"Beyond control". A research on processes of participatory cinematographic creation with unaccompanied migrant minors in Sicily

  • Chiara Digrandi Universidad Complutese de Madrid
Keywords: control, trauma, participatory cinematographic creation, images, self-expression.


The paper shows the result of the research “Beyond Control” that investigates how participatory cinematographic creation processes can be an instrument of self-expression for a group of unaccompanied migrant minors who have experienced traumatic experiences. The experience has been developed at the Casa delle Culture di Scicli (Ragusa, Italy). The aim of the research was to explore how participants express themselves through the collective creation of films and what impact this process has on them.

The results are three films: “The surviving migrants”, “My mistake” and “Jealous love”, made respectively by a group of boys, a group of girls and a mixed group.

Through participatory film creation processes, the participants have acquired a sort of “direction” on “beyond control” situations that belong to their past, present and future. Using the power of images, they expressed themes related to their life stories. The creation of the films was an opportunity for them to get their stories across, to feel capable and gain self-confidence, to “be seen” and feel recognized by a wider community with the aim of sharing their experiences and feeling recognized contributing, in such a way, to the healing of the traumas experienced.


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Author Biography

Chiara Digrandi, Universidad Complutese de Madrid

Chiara Digrandi. Psicóloga y arteterapeuta. Doctoranda en la Facultado de Educación de la UCM.

Desde el 2009 en Italia, Finlandia, Perú, España y Colombia ha coordinado y desarrollado varios proyectos de arteterapia, fotografía terapéutica y cine participativo en ámbito clínico y social dirigidos a varios colectivos en riesgo de exclusión social.

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How to Cite
Digrandi C. (2018). "Beyond control". A research on processes of participatory cinematographic creation with unaccompanied migrant minors in Sicily. Arteterapia. Papeles de arteterapia y educación artística para la inclusión social, 13, 209-225. https://doi.org/10.5209/ARTE.60740