Pina Bausch. What the body knows from war and other disasters

  • Raquel Pastor Prada Conservatorio Superior de Danza de Madrid “María de Ávila”. Departamento de Pedagogía de la Danza. Departamento de Danza Educativa y Comunitaria
Keywords: Pina Bausch, dance theater, war, trauma, body.


The choreographic work of Pina Bausch (Solingen, 1940-Wuppertal, 2009) supported by her childhood memories, talks us about terrifying tragedies such the war she lived and other daily dramas. A co-biography built collectively with her dancers, capable of mapping the most universal miseries and fears, in an unreasoned, but embodied way. The hopelessness and the anguish mounted on stage in a sort of rhythmic and shared catharsis from the body experience, seeking connection with the world, and support in others, to calm suffering and cure the trauma. Bausch universalizes the human drama, because what happens there binds us all together.


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How to Cite
Pastor Prada R. (2017). Pina Bausch. What the body knows from war and other disasters. Arteterapia. Papeles de arteterapia y educación artística para la inclusión social, 12, 207-217.