A visit against stigma and pro prevention in a treatment unit for serious mental illness

  • María Castillo Lasala Psicóloga clínica, con una experiencia de 30 años en el tratamiento del trastorno mental grave. Coordinadora de la UME de Guadalajara desde hace 5 años. Unidad de Media Estancia (UME) de Guadalajara, Servicio de Salud Mental de Guadalajara. SESCAM, Calle Hospital s/n 19001 Guadalajara
  • Luis Orna Díaz Terapeuta ocupacional con formación en el campo del arte dramático, ha trabajado durante años con el trastorno mental grave. Unidad de Media Estancia (UME) de Guadalajara, Servicio de Salud Mental de Guadalajara. SESCAM, Calle Hospital s/n 19001 Guadalajara
  • José Antonio Pérez Rojo Psiquiatra, con una experiencia de 10 años en el tratamiento del trastorno mental grave en centros rehabilitadores. Unidad de Media Estancia (UME) de Guadalajara, Servicio de Salud Mental de Guadalajara. SESCAM, Calle Hospital s/n 19001 Guadalajara
Keywords: serious mental illness, stigma, prevention, rehabilitation, social inclusion


One of the main goals of our rehabilitation unit for the serious mental illness is the fight against the scourge of stigma. As an example of our daily work we review the visit that a school of practical nurse students made us. The visit became a relational experience between the visitors and the users of the unit in which through games, oral expression and body language activities we worked with concepts as stigma and prevention. The active participation of the users in the activities and their emotional implication with the visitors made them move forward in their rehabilitation and social inclusion overcoming stigma.


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How to Cite
Castillo Lasala M., Orna Díaz L. y Pérez Rojo J. A. (2012). A visit against stigma and pro prevention in a treatment unit for serious mental illness. Arteterapia. Papeles de arteterapia y educación artística para la inclusión social, 7, 281-294. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_ARTE.2012.v7.40775