Art therapy and Fibromyalgia: the resistance of the pain

  • Araceli Guiote González Doctoranda en Arteterapia; Arteterapeuta; Licenciada en Historia del Arte; Docente en el Máster Máster en Arteterapia y Aplicaciones del Arte para el Diálogo y la Integración Social, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, (Sevilla); Docente en mesas redondas en diversas jornadas y congresos de arteterapia, nacionales e internacionales. Publicaciones en revistas especializadas en el campo de la salud. Miembro de la Afia (Asociación Iberoamericana de Arteterapeutas) y miembro de la FEAPA (Federación Española de Asociaciones Profesionales de Arteterapia.
Keywords: Fibromyalgia, Body, Resistors, Límits, somatizatión, pain.


In this text, I will present case study of a woman who suffers from fibromyalgia.It is part of a process of doctoral research. The research project involved the University of Sciences of Education and Fine Arts of Granada; Complutense Madrid University and The Goldsmiths College. The project consists of three phases. The purpose is to build with theoretical guidance case studies in the clinic of psychoanalysis that allow us to better understand this disease and therefore enable research greater effectiveness its treatment from arttherapy. The aim of this article is to provide new openings of thought, whereby, to understand from new and little explored approaches so far, a state of disease, in which, although until today day anything can be said with certainty, it is possible reflect on training mentally they are not unique to fibromyalgia, they can also be found, psychosomatic clinic and gender.


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How to Cite
Guiote González A. (2012). Art therapy and Fibromyalgia: the resistance of the pain. Arteterapia. Papeles de arteterapia y educación artística para la inclusión social, 7, 261-278.