Art reception for people with psychiatric experiences contributions to a receptive art-therapy

  • Lisa Niederreiter Arteterapeuta. Trabaja desde hace años tratando a personas que padecen HIV y AIDS, a jóvenes drogodependientes y a adultos psicóticos. Profesora de Arte en la Universidad Ciencias Aplicadas de Darmstadt en los estudios de Trabajo Social y enseña arteterapia en la Universidad de Nürtingen. Artista plástica, se puede ver su obra en su página personal www.lisaniederreiter. Más información: homepage de la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas de Darmstadt (en alemán).
Keywords: Art Therapy receptive psychotic perception, receptive processes as construction of reality, iconic turn


This paper analyses the theoretical foundations of art receptive procedures for people with psychotic illness on the base of the “iconic turn” discourse in recent aesthetic theory. Fundamental axioms (such as the “surplus value” of the picture, its resemblance of reality; the role of the observer in the process of reception) are discussed in realtion to the perceptive changes that accompany psychotic illness. Important correlations are established between the nature of the picture (constancé, protective function, creation of an “other” or “opposite”, reality-detail) and the necesssity to reorganise and restabilise the overpowering effects of psychotic perception in individuals and their contact to reality. The theoretical aspects are discussed with examples of practical work.


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How to Cite
Niederreiter L. (2012). Art reception for people with psychiatric experiences contributions to a receptive art-therapy. Arteterapia. Papeles de arteterapia y educación artística para la inclusión social, 7, 244-260.