A Novel from Saudi Arabia: Khatim, by Raja Alem

  • Milagros Nuín Monreal
Keywords: Contemporary Arabic Literature, Saudi Novel, Saudi Women Writers


The present article is a brief incursion in the field of the contemporary novel in Saudi Arabia. It begins with a short introduction on the background and current state of the Saudi novel, followed by a description of Raja Alem´s works and the place she holds among contemporary Saudi writers. After a summary of her novel, Khatim, some relevant aspects of the text are analysed: space, time and setting; the dualism wealth/poverty; the beginning and the conclusion of the story; the themes of freedom and sexual identity; and realistic reading versus symbolic reading. The articles ends with a short glossary of local words and a conclusion.


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How to Cite
Nuín Monreal M. (2008). A Novel from Saudi Arabia: Khatim, by Raja Alem. Anaquel de Estudios Árabes, 19, 127-139. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ANQE/article/view/ANQE0808110127A