Analysis of the two lines of transmission of the Treaty of Tudmīr (94 H/713 e.C.)

  • Francisco Franco-Sánchez Universidad de Alicante
Keywords: Pact of Tudmīr (94 H./713 e.C.), Al-‘Uḏrī, Al-Ḍabbī, Arabic Historiography, Arabic Paleography.


The two main texts of the transmission lines of the treaty of Tudmīr (94 H/713 e.C. ), included by al- ‘Uḏrī and al-Ḍabbī in their respective works, are edited and translated on the basis of an new reading of the manuscripts that contain them, and after that, we reach some conclusions about its process of copy. There are compared the two texts, and are listed its textual differences. As conclusion, we propose that Al- ‘Uḏrī’s text is the oldest, because its author has copied them from the original document of the 8th. c. (or a copy transfer of this). The transmission of al-Ḍabbī is more recent and it was based in an oral transmission of the text.


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Author Biography

Francisco Franco-Sánchez, Universidad de Alicante

Catedrático de Universidad

Área de Estudios Árabes e Islámicos

Departamento de Filologías Integradas



How to Cite
Franco-Sánchez F. (2015). Analysis of the two lines of transmission of the Treaty of Tudmīr (94 H/713 e.C.). Anaquel de Estudios Árabes, 27, 63-79.