Once again about the Andalusi Levant's judicial Administration in the Almoravid Period. The case of Alcira

  • Rachid El Hour Universidad de Salamanca
Keywords: qāḍīship, al-Andalus, Levant, Alcira, Taifas, Almoravids.


On a previous occasion I studied the qāḍīship of the whole Andalusi Levant, reaching several conclusions on the functioning of Justice in this area and how the local power controlled the judicial administration in the different towns. This time, we are going to assay how the Almoravid judicial politics that were applied in the Levant affected Alcira’s qāḍīship. For this reason, this contribution will address two main aspects. On the one hand it will make a brief analysis of the historical information offered by the Arabic sources in order to see how it is presented and, above all, to study the political evolution of the city and its role in the possible judicial and administrative changes that had occurred during the period extending from the end of the Taifas until the end of the Almoravid periods. On the other hand, it will analyze the composition of the judicial administration of Alcira with the aim of studying probable changes in the Almoravid period.


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How to Cite
El Hour R. (2015). Once again about the Andalusi Levant’s judicial Administration in the Almoravid Period. The case of Alcira. Anaquel de Estudios Árabes, 27, 29-41. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_ANQE.2016.v27.47887