Brothers and members of a confraternity in the aljama of Toledo in the early fifteenth century

  • Rafael Mayor Universidad de Salamanca
  • Ana Echevarria Arsuaga UNED
Keywords: Mudejar, confraternity, Castile, Medieval.


Between 1402 and 1414, the activity of the members of a confraternity related to the mosque of Tornerías, in Toledo, was registered by their leaders in Arabic proceedings. These records prove that Arabic was still currently used by Muslims in Castile at the beginning of the fifteenth century. This is the first Mudejar confraternity known to us. Lacking knowledge about their statutes, the records of their meetings provide interesting clues to their development. This article focuses on the linguistic features of the records, and will describe the confraternity members, functions, and their capacities to manage Toledan Muslims’ alms.


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Author Biography

Ana Echevarria Arsuaga, UNED
Profesora Titular, Depto. HIstoria Medieval y CCTTHH, UNED



How to Cite
Mayor R. y Echevarria Arsuaga A. (2015). Brothers and members of a confraternity in the aljama of Toledo in the early fifteenth century. Anaquel de Estudios Árabes, 26, 163-185.