Legal and official documents in the northeast border of the Kingdom of Granada (15th century)

  • María Arcas Campoy Universidad de La Laguna
Keywords: Nasrid Kingdom of Granada, the northeast border, Legal documents, “cartas bermejas”, institutional correspondence.


A number of documents containing information about day life in the northeast border of the Kingdom of Granada (15th century) are preserved in the Archivo Municipal de Lorca (Murcia) and in the Archivo Histórico de Orihuela (Alicante). These documents are of two types: legal documents (notarial and judiciary documents) and official documents (cartas bermejas and institutional correspondence produced by political conflicts). This paper presents references and extracts of those legal and official documents to illustrate the social, politic and economic life of individuals in the last century of the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada.


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Author Biography

María Arcas Campoy, Universidad de La Laguna

Catedrádica de Estidios Árabes de Islámicos.

Departamento de Filología Clásica, Francesa, Árabe y Románica.



How to Cite
Arcas Campoy M. (2015). Legal and official documents in the northeast border of the Kingdom of Granada (15th century). Anaquel de Estudios Árabes, 26, 7-17.